Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category.

CHCA 2013 Election Results!

We had a nice turnout for our CHCA meeting & elections on Tuesday. After a tough campaign season for our candidates, here are the 2013 CHCA election results (100% of districts reporting):

  • President: Julie Smyth
  • 1st Vice President: Leo Kowalyk
  • 2nd Vice President: Jenny Kendall
  • Secretary: Kelly Jaeger
  • Treasurer: Kelly Calhoon
  • Courier: Eliza Thrush
  • Webmaster: Leo Kowalyk

Julie Smyth (President) also had these kind words for outgoing Treasurer John Drago: “A special thank-you to outgoing treasurer John Drago. John’s professional and pleasant contributions to the Civic Association these past two terms will be missed. Thanks for your hard work, John! Hopefully, you’ll stop by and see us sometimes.” Thanks from all of us John, and best wishes!

And good luck to our CHCA officers for 2013-2014!

CHCA Elections 2013

CHCA officer elections will occur at our meeting on Tuesday, Nov 12, 7:30pm @ Selby Shelterhouse. All residents of Colonial Hills are welcome (encouraged!) to run.

All positions are up for election: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Our biggest needs this year are a new Treasurer and a 2nd Vice-President, since nobody has declared their intention to run for those yet.

All positions are for 1-year terms. Officers are responsible to attend the once-per-month CHCA meetings, held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm. Plus each officer is responsible for doing (or finding someone to do!) the following duties:

  • President: Lead monthly meetings. Secure chairpersons for each CHCA event. Recruit sponsors for Courier and events. Edit/publish Courier.
  • Vice-President: Administer this website. Coordinate the 4th of July celebration. Assist in editing / publishing Courier.
  • Treasurer: control and report on CHCA finances.
  • Secretary: record and report meeting minutes.

We currently have incumbents running for President (Julie Smyth) and Secretary (Kelly Jaeger). For Vice-President Leo Kowalyk has declared an interest running; we are looking to elect two VP’s this year since Leo’s work situation may require him to move in the upcoming year. As mentioned above, the Treasurer position is wide open, since the current Treasurer (John Drago) is unable to serve again. We welcome candidates for any and all positions!

I hope you will consider running– the CHCA does a lot for our neighborhood, but it is only through the work of our officers and everyone else who helps out through the year.

I look forward to seeing some new faces at the meeting on Tuesday, ready to run for office and help the CHCA keep moving forward!

November 2013 Courier

The November 2013 edition of the Colonial Hills Courier is out! This month’s Courier contains information about:

  • CHCA elections to be held at the upcoming CHCA meeting on Nov 12
  • Upcoming CHCA events: Food Drive, Luminary making & lighting, Holiday Party
  • Colonial Hills elementary school news: recap of walkathon, pancake breakfast on Nov 2, cross-country meets for elementary school children
  • Available baby, pet, and house-sitters in the neighborhood (book now for your upcoming holiday plans!)
  • City of Worthington’s new CodeRED Emergency Notification System
  • Details about the CHCA Annual Food Drive in November
  • Business sponsors / advertisers

Sorry, no silly jokes this month!

Trustees will be distributing the Courier door-to-door the first week of November. It is also available electronically in the Courier section of this website.

Have a great November!

October 2013 Courier

The October 2013 edition of the Colonial Hills Courier is out! Please give it a read to learn more about:

  • Upcoming CHCA events: Halloween Party (10/27), Food Drive (11/16), and Holiday Party (12/08)
  • City of Worthington October events
  • Colonial Hills elementary school news
  • Opportunities to help out with upcoming CHCA events (FYI, we already have people chairing these events, we just need people to help!)
  • Available baby, pet, and house-sitters in the neighborhood
  • Nearby construction projects and road closures
  • Colonial Hills Blockwatch
  • CHCA elections to occur in November
  • Business sponsors / advertisers
  • Silly Halloween jokes!

Trustees are distributing the Courier door-to-door this week; it is also available electronically in the Courier section of this website.

Have a great October!

July 4th 2013 Race Results

The official results from Thursday’s race are in!

New! Photos

Neighborhood Garage Sale June 15

Participate in our annual Neighborhood Garage Sale:

  1. Submit a Garage Sale Permit Form to the Worthington City Clerk, 6550 North High Street (City Hall).
  2. Let Rachael Dorothy know what you are featuring for sale so she can put you on the map., 614-406-6391 by June 7th.
  3. On the day of the sale, pick up a map at the Selby Park Shelter House to find the location of all the goodies!

Ivy may damage trees

Neighbor Rita McKenzie of the Selby Apartments suggested that we share the following information…

She is a retired urban forester from Purdue University. She wanted us to share this link and inform people of the potential damage they are doing to their trees by allowing ivy to grow on them.

Scholarship Applications due April 15th

Colonial Hills Scholarship application and a copy of your high school transcript must be submitted by
April 15, 2013, to Eileen Calvey in the Guidance Office at Thomas Worthington High School or to
CHCA Scholarship Chair, Mary Youtz, 251 Loveman Ave, Worthington, OH 43085. Mail entries
must be postmarked by Thursday, April 11, 2013.

Download application in .pdf format.

Download application in Microsoft Word format.

Good luck seniors!

2012 Decorating contest winners

302 Loveman

494 Loveman

5782 Indianola

1st: 5610 Indianola
2nd: 583 Loveman
3rd: 244 Colonial

1st: 281 Selby
2nd: 175 Kenbrook
3rd: 449 Park

Welcome new CHCA President Julie Smyth!

Julie and her family have lived in Colonial Hills for the past 12 years.
Secretary Kelly Jaeger and Treasurer John Drago have agreed serve again for 2012-2013.
Many thanks to outgoing President Rachael Dorthy and Vice President Matt Lenky.
We still need a Vice President to join the fun and help organize the July 4th events to accompany our Annual 5K race (race already has a chair). Please step up!