Pay Dues Here!Only $15 for families or $5 for seniors...or you can make an extra donation of $30, $50, $75, $100 or more, to keep our Civic Association strong.
... Or Pay Membership Dues Amount Using PayPal “Send to a Friend”!If you have set up a PayPal account with a payment option so that you can take your payment amount directly out of your checking account (or if you have a balance in your PayPal account), you can use PayPal’s Send to a Friend (sending to Contact colonialhillsca@gmail), to send any amount out of which no PayPal fees will be taken.
The CHCA suggests one of these amounts:
Senior $5.00
Family $15.00
Hills Helper $30.00
Colonial Champion $50.00
Loveman Decoration Champs $75.00
Selby Superstar $100.00
Park, Park & Park $150.00
Ravine Resident $200.00
Please note: If you use this "Send to a Friend" method, please make sure to copy our CHCA PayPal e-mail address exactly as follows into the "Send To" Contact box:
Thank you.