CHCA Seeking New Treasurer
The Colonial Hills Civic Association (CHCA) has always felt lucky to have full boards of dedicated, quality, community-oriented officers, and it is now time for us to request a replacement for our current (and fabulous) Treasurer, Adam Baas, who will be moving out of the neighborhood this year.
Replacing this position at this time would allow the current treasurer to train, and transfer all the CHCA accounts efficiently to, the new treasurer. And in particular, our treasurer previous to Adam, an equally fabulous CHCA Treasurer named Dave Nadolny, is in the process of stepping in to serve as the interim treasurer, and Dave would provide support to the new treasurer after Adam moves.
So, if you are reasonably professional in finance and willing to spend a couple hours a month volunteering to help your neighborhood in this very important position, please contact the CHCA by e-mailing, to either Dave, or Adam, or our CHCA President Leslie Caruso
We really need to fill this position sooner than later — so to recap: just a few hours a month, professional in a financial area, complete training and support will be provided for your CHCA Treasurer responsibilities — please volunteer now!