Age-Friendly Worthington – Take the Survey
The Worthington Age-Friendly Initiative has been organized by a committee of community partners, city staff members and older adults who are now inviting you to take this Age-Friendly Survey on the City’s website to tell them what you think – about existing programs/initiatives and to hear your ideas for how Age-Friendly Worthington could further impact and improve the quality of life for people of all ages. Please take the survey now, as it closes November 1.
Background, per information on the City’s Age-Friendly Worthington Web Page: In December, 2019, Worthington City Council approved a resolution to join the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities, and to create an age-friendly community to promote successful aging and improve the quality of life for all ages.
The City will receive the findings from this survey, and the findings from similar surveys being conducted in the Central Ohio region, and then conduct Worthington-specific focus groups, both in-person and virtual. Thus, your input is critical to inform, update and improve Worthington’s programs and policies, and to help make Worthington an even better place to age well.