Community-Centered Development Mtg, August 8, 7:00 PM, Shelter House

A Community-Centered Development meeting, to which all Colonial Hills residents are invited, will be held at the Selby Park Shelter House on Thursday, August 8, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. A PDF flyer for the meeting is here.

Topics to be discussed will include the following:

  • Development preferences for the Boundless / FMR property
  • Stabilizing Colonial Hills against any added traffic or inappropriate adjoining commercial development
  • Project Community Park Worthington (PCPW)

The meeting will be hosted by resident Ron Sears, Park Overlook Drive. David Robinson (Council Member) and the PCPW co-chairs will first speak on their group’s plans for Project Community Park Worthington. Ron will then lead a discussion of the history and possible future development of the Boundless / FMR property. Audience discussion will be a key part of both parts of the meeting. Ron’s suggested theme is proactive engagement as opposed to reactive disagreements.

Refreshments will be provided. Remember, no AC! Dress cool.

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