Please Sign Up for Luminary Kits Assembly, Saturday, December 4

Please sign up, using our SignUpGenius for Kit Assembly, for Luminary Kits Assembly, Saturday, December 4, starting at 10:00 AM.

Due to ongoing COVID concerns for our luminary kits event, we will again be limiting the number of volunteers – but not as drastically as for 2020.

That is, to try to ensure the safety of all volunteers and their families at home, we will enforce masks to be worn at all times and we will limit the number of volunteers for each task, so as to maintain social distancing, especially inside the shelter house. The number of volunteers will be limited as specified below and in our SignUpGenius.

Please note that for 2021, volunteers for any task can include any youth middle-school age or older, due to the current availability of vaccines for youth of this age. And based on our experience from 2020, there will need to be only one shift of volunteers for these tasks, as follows:

  1. Inside the shelter house component assembly (up to 8 volunteers)
  2. Outside the shelter house component assembly (up to 7 volunteers, plus the Event Chair)
  3. Bundling supervisor (1 volunteer)
  4. Pea gravel shovelers (up to 8 volunteers), who are requested to bring their own standard-size, pointed-tip garden shovel. There will be teams of two people at each of the 4 shoveling station chairs. Each shoveling team can decide how long each member will shovel, while the other team member holds open the grocery bags (team members could switch roles halfway through).

Pease note that as opposed to last year, if you didn’t sign up beforehand on our SignUpGenius, but do show up to volunteer at 10:00 AM on Saturday morning, there may still be an open position for you to volunteer. However, we request that you do sign up ahead of time to reserve the volunteer position of your choice.

Dunkin’ donuts, coffee and hot chocolate will be served, and plenty of hand sanitizer will be provided inside the shelter house – and we greatly thank our two sponsors for our event:

Regarding the Trustees picking up their bundles of kits for their Districts: We are asking the Trustees to start coming over no earlier than noon on Saturday to pick up their bundles, so as not to increase the number of people present in the shelter house area during the kit assembly timeframe, which is expected to be 10:00 AM to about 11:30 AM, especially if it is not raining too hard that day.

Light Your Luminaries! Our luminary display evening will be Sunday, December 12, starting at 7:00 PM, per the instructions which will be enclosed in each resident’s luminary kit.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, or if you encounter any difficulty using our event’s SignUpGenius. Thank you,

Will Pearce, Luminaries Event Chair
365 S. Selby Blvd

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