Register for Age-Friendly Planning Session
Please register for one of the two free Planning Sessions for the Age-Friendly Worthington Action Plan, by clicking the red “Select a Date” button shown on the linked-to web page. Next, select either of the two red “Tickets” buttons, to select your choice of session which will be at either of these two different locations depending on the date selected:
- May 9: 10:00 – 11:30am – Old Worthington Library
- May 22: 10:00 – 11:30am – Griswold Center
Then, on the General Admission Tickets page, just click the red Register button (there is no fee and the number of tickets counter is disabled; just click the red Register button to register). Finally, on the next page (Checkout), fill in your Contact information, check the box to Accept the Eventbrite Terms of Service and un-check the other two boxes as you wish, and (again) press the red Register button (at the bottom of the page). Your registration ticket will be e-mailed to you. Make a note for your ticket to remind you of which location you will be attending. (Scanning the QR Code on the flyer below will also bring up the registration page.)
Background Information, including the explanatory flyer shown below, is available at the Age-Friendly Worthington web page. You will note that the Action Plan to be developed, which will consider your input at these planning sessions, is the final step in this initiative. The action plan will be the result of ongoing community involvement, including the survey many of you took, and the focus groups you attended, in 2021 as publicized in the CHCA’s October 17, 2021 blogpost on this topic.
Lastly, those of you in attendance at the Selby Park Shelter House Age-Friendly focus group on November 5, 2021, may remember our request to prepare a List of Age-Friendly Resources, which the Worthington Community Relations Commission has completed and archived in the City’s Document Center.
Please plan to attend one of these sessions by Registering now!
*** Flyer for the Planning Session ***